Aug. 1, 2020

Show Notes

Moe Factz with Adam Curry for August 1st 2020, Episode number 45

"45 Savage"


Adam and Moe dig into President Trump's unconventional strategies. Are they really that novel?

Executive Producers:

Dreb Scott

Hunter Jennings

Santiago Munoz

Ryan Shears

Jon Noles

Nicholas McFall

Kris Malmi

Shawn Smith

Associate Executive Producers:

Hanna Karlsson

Cameron Rose

Joseph Wentzell

Brian Rogers

Joseph Dratz


Bryan Brown

Douglas Pilgrim


Dreb Scott

Episode 45 Club Members

Occult Fan

Sir DH Slamma Tha God

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This episode is from Moe Factz with Adam Curry whose proprietor has full ownership and responsibility on its contents and artworks. It was shared using Castamatic, a podcast app for iPhone and iPad.