While Alban and Kevin are off to the Podcast Show in London, Jordan has Buzzsprout Facebook Group Moderator, Jonathan Swenson, on the show. In this episode, the hosts discuss the new Buzzsprout Ads rollout, the announcement of Apple Podcasts Delegated Delivery integration, Spotify's newest mishaps, the very sexy RØDECaster Pro II, and play a friendly game of Poddle.
Thanks to Jonathan Swenson for guesting on this episode! You can find his podcasts here:
To submit your funny bad review for a future segment, send a screenshot to @jordanpods on Twitter.
This episode of Buzzcast is hosted by Jordan Blair @jordanpods and Jonathan Swenson @jaygswenson. Thanks for listening & keep podcasting!
This episode is from Buzzcast whose proprietor has full ownership and responsibility on its contents and artworks. It was shared using Castamatic, a podcast app for iPhone and iPad.