"Call me Bill"
Executive Producer:
Scott From Newcastle Australia
Associate Executive Producers:
Steven Peterson
Baron Sir Pursuit of Peace & Tranquility in the Lands of the Red Clay and the Cherry Trees
Jewel Wicker
Rick Bunch
Danny Petty
Linda Lupatkin
Pamela McLain
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Title Changes
Sir Pursuit of Peace & Tranquility in the Lands of the Red Clay and the Cherry Trees > Baron
Art By: Capitalist Agenda cap@getalby.com
End of Show Mixes: Tom Starkweather - Prof J Jones - Sir Michaelanthony
Engineering, Stream Management & Wizardry
Mark van Dijk - Systems Master
Ryan Bemrose - Program Director
Back Office Jae Dvorak
Chapters: Dreb Scott
Clip Custodian: Neal Jones
Clip Collectors: Steve Jones & Dave Ackerman
NEW: and soon on Netflix: Animated No Agenda
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No Agenda Lite in opus format
Last Modified 01/14/2024 16:32:02
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This episode is from No Agenda whose proprietor has full ownership and responsibility on its contents and artworks. It was shared using Castamatic, a podcast app for iPhone and iPad.