April 26, 2024

Podcasting 2.0 April 26th 2024 Episode 177: "KatGPT"

Adam & Dave discuss opportunities of federating podcast apps and deconstruct the demise of NPR


We are LIT

Spotify 25% bundle scam

Inside the Crisis at NPR - The New York Times

Custom emoji on PCI.S

Dave Winer not happy with ActivityPub

Open Podcast API specification documentation

Social-Interact at channel level

Wire Ready and LIT discussions

Would love to wrappify the irc stuff people have been making

Is Adding Video the Future of a Successful Podcasting Strategy | Audio and Video Podcasting with Rob Greenlee

Alby NWC lightning?

PodcastIndex Dashboard


MKUltra chat

Transcript Search

What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at

V4V Stats

Last Modified 04/26/2024 14:33:47 by Freedom Controller  

This episode is from Podcasting 2.0 whose proprietor has full ownership and responsibility on its contents and artworks. It was shared using Castamatic, a podcast app for iPhone and iPad.