May 19, 2023

Podcasting 2.0 May 19th 2023 Episode 133: "It's a Lifestyle!"

Adam & Dave discuss the week's developments on - We test Live wallet switching to the music and welcome Red Circle's Mike Kadin to the board room!


Mike Kadin - Red Circle

We are LIT, soon on fountain!

New Podfriend app!

PodFriend 2.0 apparently also LIT Ready!

Mackie FLZ creator

Podcasting 2.0 / WAVLAKE - Matt from Tokyo

remoteItem in V4V in more apps when?

PlebRap Playlist | PlebRap Too Bit To Fail - Money Printer Go Brr -- GERMAN 10 sec intro

Matt Bigelow Fudge! | - 43 sec intro

YouTube x No Agenda

Decentralised GUID system based on Podping called PodpingGUID · Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace · Discussion #533

V4V Model Explained - Linux Unplugged

CSB chatGPT Plugin

Update feed image from James

MKUltra chat

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Last Modified 05/19/2023 14:42:15 by Freedom Controller  

This episode is from Podcasting 2.0 whose proprietor has full ownership and responsibility on its contents and artworks. It was shared using Castamatic, a podcast app for iPhone and iPad.