Podcasting 2.0 December 22nd 2023 Episode 160: "Forced Choice"
Adam & Dave are joined by Kyrin and review the Live V4V concert and pre-celebrate Christmas in the Board room after dark!
Kyrin Down - Mere Mortals & V4V Podcast
Ainsley & Just Loud
David in the Cave with 400 in Adunall
Iron Sharpens Iron
V4V group Julie post
nostr thoughts
We have the infrstructure and SPLITS - nostr has wallets
tunestr.io keysend
Fountain invoicing system
universal boostbot service
Proposal: Nostr NIP-32 Podcast Labels · Podcastindex-org/podcast-namespace · Discussion #569
XMPP for Chat
What is Value4Value? - Read all about it at Value4Value.info
This episode is from Podcasting 2.0 whose proprietor has full ownership and responsibility on its contents and artworks. It was shared using Castamatic, a podcast app for iPhone and iPad.