Diagnosing Trump (with George Conway)

Stay Tuned with Preet

Oct. 10, 2019

George Conway, conservative lawyer and outspoken Trump critic, joins Preet Bharara for a special episode of Stay Tuned, "Diagnosing Trump." A longstanding member of the Federalist Society who played a critical role in Clinton's impeachment, Conway is one of the few conservative voices openly challenging Trump’s presidency—and calling for his impeachment.

You may be familiar with Conway’s other half: Kellyanne Conway, who currently serves as Counselor to the President. Despite his wife’s work, Conway continues to publicly pen—on Twitter and in editorials—his virulent criticisms of Trump.

In this exclusive, wide-ranging interview, Conway discusses why Trump’s narcissism renders him incapable of carrying out presidential duties, the likelihood and contours of impeachment, the 2020 presidential election, and whether history will be kind to those who stayed silent during Trump’s tenure.

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