March 22, 2023

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[DS] Backed Into A Corner, Optics Are Important, They All Lose, RetributionClick On Picture To See Larger PictureThe Green New Deal is not going as planned, the EU needs to back off combustion engines ban because they cannot meet their goal. Ca signs onto ESG investing, investors are taking their money else where. The State are pushing back against [CBDC] and now Congress is pushing back on it. The [DS] is panicking, their plan failed, they wanted a shocking arrest and they did not get it, Trump countered their plan. The DA is now struggling with the case against Trump and the world is figuring out that their is no case. The [DS] is now shifting gears and pushing the crimes to Jack Smith’s case but this will fail. Optics are important, the [DS] is backed into a corner and they are losing in the court of public opinion, retribution is coming.


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EU Already Caving On Their 2035 Combustion Engine Ban, Considering Allowing E-Fuel Vehicles

  • It appears the EU could already be giving up ground on its proposed internal combustion engine ban, set to be put into place in 2035.
  • On Tuesday morning it was reported that the EU has now “drafted a plan allowing sales of new cars with internal combustion engines that run only on climate neutral e-fuels”, according to Reuters. The plan comes as part of a compromise proposal with Germany over the existing 2035 ban plans.
  • Under the plan, cars that run on carbon neutral fuels would be placed into a new type of vehicle category.
  • E-fuels are synthetically made fuels that can be made using hydrogen in conjunction with  captured carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide. The source for the components of the fuels generally has to be sustainable in nature, such as wind or solar power.
  • The plan proposes including a “fuelling inducement system”, which would ostensibly prevent vehicles from starting if they aren’t running on carbon neutral fuels. We’re sure that won’t be cost prohibitive at all…
  • But most importantly, the legislation would allow legacy auto manufacturers to keep selling combustion engines after the 2035 proposed ban date, perhaps offering some relief for companies in the midst of transitioning their business models.
  • Reuters wrote:



Carbon foot print electric

Biden, Newsom Decline to Defend ESG, Even in Celebrating Veto of ESG Repeal 
  • Biden’s veto rejected a bipartisan bill under the Congressional Review Act that to repeal a Department of Labor regulation enshrining ESG policies in the management of retirement funds.
  • But he would not explain why he believed ESG is good for investors. He merely attacked his opponents.
  • The president tweeted: “This bill would risk your retirement savings by making it illegal to consider risk factors MAGA House Republicans don’t like.
  • “Your plan manager should be able to protect your hard-earned savings — whether Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene likes it or not.”
  • Notably, he did not bother defending ESG rules directly.


Likewise, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) praised Biden on Tuesday for his veto — but also failed to defend ESG, casting the issue instead as a defense of “free speech and free markets,” rather than left-wing policies.


Cash Pours Out Of ESG Funds, Led By $5 Billion In Outflows From ESGU 

  • It looks as though it is first on the list of things to be thrown out the window as asset managers and retail investors scramble for liquidity. Bloomberg ETF expert Eric Balchunas has noted that the sector, and its most well known ETF, are experiencing significant outflows.

Balchunas wrote last week that on Friday, the ESGU ETF “saw a record smashing $4b in outflows”. That was followed by another $1 billion on Monday.

He said he thought the outflows could wind up triggering additional outflows: “The bomb out of ESGU on Friday is a big blow to the ESG ETF Category in that it really adds to the ongoing reversal in flows, which tends to go hand in hand with narrative.”



Moody’s Chief Economist: ‘Inflation Is Still High’ So Problems Like Banking Issues Will Continue for ‘Next 12-18 Months’
  • During an interview with CBS News on Tuesday, Moody’s Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi stated that the problems in the banking industry are the inevitable result of rate hikes by the Federal Reserve where “things are going to start to wobble and break and it’s going to feel uncomfortable.” And because inflation is “still high” “the next 12-18 months are going to be uncomfortable.”


Fed Announces Launch Of ‘FedNow’ Real-Time Payment System, Sparking Debate

  •  ”FedNow “will enable all the banks—any bank in the United States, not just the big ones—to offer instantly available funds and real-time payments to their customers,” Powell said before the House Financial Services Committee on March 8. “That’s a great thing.”
  • “A retail CBDC would essentially allow the government to mediate all transactions, which would mirror what we see in China. It’s vital to ensure this does not happen here,” Davidson said in a statement.


Is FedNow a central bank digital currency?

It depends on who you ask.


Special Master in U.S. District Court Provides More Evidence Ashley Biden Diary is Real

  • The Special Master reviewing the FBI raid on Project Veritas has filed a report in the Southern District of New York.
  • In the court filing on Tuesday, the Special Master lays out the basic timeline of the FBI raid and the Ashley Biden diary investigation.



John Solomon sues DOJ, National Archives over access to declassified Trump-Russia probe memos

  • just the News Editor-in-Chief John Solomon sued the Justice Department and National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) on Tuesday, alleging they have wrongly kept from public inspection hundreds of pages of documents chronicling the FBI’s bungled Russia collusion probe that were declassified by former President Donald Trump.
  • Solomon’s suit was filed in U.S. District Court in Washington D.C. with help from the nonprofit America First Legal public interest law firm. It alleged that the two federal agencies were violating the Presidential Records Act by keeping the declassified Russia probe documents out of the Archives’ official collection for the Trump presidency.
  • File  01 – Complaint_combined.pdf   lawsuit.


Geopolitical/Police State

Bill Gates Says “The Age Of AI Has Begun” 

  • In an op-ed titled “The Age of AI has begun” on “The Blog of Bill Gates,” Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates discussed the upcoming paradigm shift in technology. Having been instrumental in developing personal computers several decades ago, the billionaire seems to know a thing or two about technological innovation. He believes that OpenAI’s language generation artificial intelligence tools will be at the forefront of the next technological revolution.
  • Gates wrote, “I’ve seen two demonstrations of technology that struck me as revolutionary.”
  • “The first time was in 1980, when I was introduced to a graphical user interface—the forerunner of every modern operating system, including Windows,” he said.
  • Gates said the second big surprise came last year with the impressive advancement in OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
  • “The development of AI is as fundamental as the creation of the microprocessor, the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone,” he said. “It will change the way people work, learn, travel, get health care, and communicate with each other.”
Source: Judge: Californians Have Constitutional Right to Use ‘State-of-the-Art’ Handguns for Self-Defense
  • U.S. District Judge Cormac J. Carney granted a preliminary injunction Monday in which he noted that “Californians have a constitutional right to acquire and use state-of-the-art handguns to protect themselves.”
  • The CA handgun roster is a list of new handguns that can be legally sold in the state, and those handguns are allowable in 2023 only by meeting the UHA provisions. Carney noted that the UHA provisions have been changed/tightened so many times since its adoption in 1999 that California residents “are largely restricted to…[handgun] models from over sixteen years ago.”

He concluded:

Californians have the constitutional right to acquire and use state-of-the-art handguns to protect themselves. They should not be forced to settle for decade-old models of handguns to ensure that they remain safe inside or outside the home. But unfortunately, the UHA’s CLI, MDM, and microstamping requirements do exactly that. Because enforcing those requirements implicates the plain text of the Second Amendment, and the government fails to point to any well-established historical analogues that are consistent with them, those requirements are unconstitutional and their enforcement must be preliminarily enjoined. Accordingly, Plaintiffs’ motion for a preliminary injunction is GRANTED.

The case is California Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bonta, No. SACV 22-1421 in the US District Court Central District of California.


Macron says he’s ready to be unpopular

  • Controversial pension reform is not a “luxury” but a long-overdue measure, the French president says


N. Korea fires several cruise missiles off its east coast, says S. Korea

  • North Korea fired multiple cruise missiles Wednesday, Seoul’s military said, the latest launch which comes as South Korea and the United States stage major joint military drills.

The South Korean military has detected multiple cruise missiles launched into the East Sea” by North Korea, Seoul’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a statement, referring to the body of water also known as the Sea of Japan.


BIDEN EFFECT: Xi Jinping Tells Vladimir Putin at Moscow Meetings: “Change Is Coming That Hasn’t Happened in 100 Years” 

  • The Biden Administration has obliterated:
  • ** Our borders
    ** Our banking system
    ** The US oil reserves
    ** Our energy sector
    ** Our Justice System
    ** Elections
    ** US Foreign Policy
    ** Consumer prices through inflation
    ** American tradition – Leave no man behind!
    ** Women’s Sports
    ** US standing in the world
    ** US swagger on the global stage
    ** US leadership
  • This was all the plan. This was purposeful. It’s as if George Soros and his minions are running the government and purposely running it into the ground.

  • This week China and Russian leaders are meeting in Moscow despite protests from the Biden regime.
  • Xi Jinping has refused to take a call from Joe Biden. Why would he?
  • On Tuesday at the end of the meetings in Moscow, Xi Jinping told Vladimir Putin:

Xi Jinping: Change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years. And we are driving this change together.

Vladimir Putin: I agree.

Xi Jinping: Please, take care, dear friend.

Vladimir Putin: Have a safe journey!



False Flags

Biden Regime Trying to Arrange Taxpayer Funded Bailout of COVID Vaccine-Maker Moderna – Former Federal Judge Blasts Move as “Misuse of the Law” 

  • The Biden Regime has decided that Americans suffering from vaccine-related injuries connected to the Moderna COVID vaccine is not cruel enough. Now they want taxpayers to foot the bill for a major bailout of the pharmaceutical giant.
  •   Moderna failed to convince a federal judge that it should not have to face a patent lawsuit over its COVID-19 vaccine and that the US government should have been sued instead.
  •  Arbutus Biopharma Corp and Genevant Sciences filed a lawsuit against Moderna in the U.S. District Court for the District of Delaware, accusing the vaccine manufacturer of patent infringement on its COVID-19 vaccine.
  • The two biotech companies sued Moderna over infringement claims on six patents concerning the manufacture and sale of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine. They want the federal court to award them monetary damages due to the infringement.

  • Now the Department of “Justice” has intervened in an attempt to rescue Moderna and put taxpayers on the hook. A United States attorney filed a “statement of interest” to argue the federal government must take on any liability that Moderna might be guilty of related to the COVID shot.
  • A highly-respected former federal judge calls this “a misuse of the law.”
  • Fox News exclusively reported:
  • Moderna – which received about $10 billion in taxpayer money to produce its COVID-19 vaccine and has since earned billions more in profits selling it – was sued in early 2022 by Genevant Sciences and Arbutus Biopharma Corp., which accused Moderna of using technology they have patented in its vaccine. The two companies have asked a federal court in Delaware to award them damages for the infringement.



BOMBSHELL! Emails Show ERIC Was SHARING Voter Information With Third-Party Group Tied To Zuckerberg In 2020 Election

  • 100 Percent Fed Up reports – Newly acquired public records reveal that there’s much more to the exact relationship between the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) and the Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) than meets the eye. 
  • Emails obtained by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (and archived here) show Rhode Island Elections Director Rob Rock “working with CEIR” “to facilitate the secure transfer of . . . ERIC member data” to this private, third-party organization run by ERIC founder and ex-board member David Becker.
  • On January 12, 2021, Rock sought clarification from ERIC executive director Shane Hamlin on sharing data with CEIR in an email titled “EBU Follow-Up Data Request.” (“EBU” refers to eligible-but-unregistered individuals or residents who lawfully may but have not yet registered to vote.)

  •  Later that day, Hamlin replied: “Yes, you’re good to continue working with CEIR. CEIR signed an NDA [non-disclosure agreement] with ERIC for the purpose of assisting ERIC and ERIC members with independent research ERIC’s effectiveness.” (It’s unclear when this agreement was signed, and whether ERIC has similar agreements with other third parties.)
  • “This should be the same process you used to provide the EBU list to CEIR,” Hamlin added. From Rock’s reply, it’s likely that transfers of EBU data follow the usual 60-day data transfer requirements outlined in the group’s bylaws, in which states send all of their voter list information to the data warehouse.

  • These revelations, while shocking, establish a pattern with documents retrieved from Georgia. A September 2020 email obtained via public records request by Verity Vote reveals a complex process wherein Georgia elections officials transmit data through ERIC to CEIR, generates a list of eligible-but-unregistered individuals to target with registration mailers (paid for by states). That list is then transmitted from CEIR back to ERIC, and finally on to the states.


EXCLUSIVE: Florida’s Lee County Republican Executive Committee Passes Motion to Return to Paper Ballots

  • Florida’s Lee County Republican Executive Committee (LCREC)voted last night to pass a motion to get rid of the voting machines in the county and replace the entire process with paper ballots. 
  • This was a monumental vote coming out of Lee County because this same group has been instrumental in pushing for the removal of the ERIC voter roll system in the state of Florida which just happened.
  • Lee County REC passed the Resolution for Election Vote Accuracy last night with more than 90% approval.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • Ron DeSanctimonious is running—without running! He’s doing this to subvert Election Law. Run Ron, Run! Others have done it before, though, so I can’t really blame him—But he should take a look at his Polls, which are crashing like few people have seen before. That’s because he’s merely an average REPUBLICAN Governor who has great Public Relations, far better than deserved. When you look at the Florida #’s compared to other States, you will not be impressed—I will release them later in the day!

Mexico’s president calls out Alvin Bragg, saying his indictment is a scheme to keep Trump off the ballot

  • Whatever you think of Mexico’s leftist president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, there’s no disputing he knows every dirty trick in the third world playbook, having been on the receiving end of at least some of it.
  • He’s watching what’s going on in the U.S. now, with Manhattan’s “let-’em-all-out” district attorney, Alvin Bragg, seeking to indict President Trump on felony campaign finance charges, and smells the stench of ‘banana republic’ all over it.

According to Newsweek:


Matthew Boyle@Realmattboyle

  • Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI), chairman of the House Administration Committee, told me Alvin Bragg has until Thursday to come forward to Congress to appear for a transcribed interview. Steil’s panel is one of 3, along with Judiciary and Oversight, probing into Bragg’s likely charges against @realDonaldTrump. More here: — House Administration Chair Bryan Steil: Alvin Bragg Has ‘Until Thursday to Come Forward’ to Congress
  • Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg faces a Thursday deadline to come forward to appear before three congressional panels for a transcribed interview

Rep. Matt Gaetz@RepMattGaetz

  • If I were Governor of Florida, I would not allow any Floridian to be hauled before a Soros-backed prosecutor in a blue city over politics. I wouldn’t make an exception to not protect the President of the United States.
    • Ron DeSantis should be standing in the breach to stop any sort of extradition of President @realDonaldTrump from the state of Florida.
    • The fact that he’s not doing so puts every Floridian at risk who could be the subject of a false allegation.


Manhattan DA’s Trump case rests on shaky legal, ethical ground, experts say

  • Ordinarily, such a charge would be considered a misdemeanor and come with a two-year statue of limitation.

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • The New York Times: “A New York Times review and interviews with election law experts strongly suggest that New York state prosecutors have never before filed an election law case involving a federal campaign. Bringing an untested case against anyone, let alone a former president of the United States, carries the risk that a court could throw out or narrow the case.”

Former Trump Official Says She’s ‘Definitely Worried’ He Could Incite Violence Over Potential Indictment

  •  CNN host Jake Tapper asked former Trump official Sarah Matthews if she’s “worried” by Trump’s language.
  • “Definitely worried. I think it goes to show he’s learned nothing in the aftermath of Jan. 6. The rhetoric he was using was similar to the rhetoric he used around Jan. 6. I think in his Truth Social post he said that they needed to protest to ‘take back our nation,’” she said.
  • Matthews then admitted that she doesn’t expect Trump supporters to come out in force.


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump




Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • Every article I read, every show I watch, even the so-called Haters say that “President Trump did nothing wrong, there IS NO CRIME HERE!” As Biden would say, “No, I mean it, I’m not kidding.” The Crime would be if I get charged!!!

Trump New York Grand Jury Wednesday Session Canceled After Bombshell Report that DA Bragg Withheld Evidence from Jury
  • The pause comes after a bombshell report Costello that he told the grand jury that District Attorney Alvin Bragg had withheld several hundred pages of documents from them.
  • TGP excerpt: “Gregg Jarrett: I mentioned it yesterday, I think, when Bob Costello got into that Grand Jury room and told them, “Wait a minute. You don’t have the hundreds of pages I handed over to Alvin Bragg over here? You only have six cherry-picked documents?” You know, hiding from grand juries exculpatory information is reprehensible and unconscionable. And the conduct of Alvin Bragg and his henchman Mark Pomeranz, who specifically says in his book, “We’re targeting zombies because we don’t like his beliefs,” those guys should face disbarment proceedings.”
  • Robert Costello is a former Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division for the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York, who has represented many prominent New Yorkers in private practice.
  • Trump posted earlier on Wednesday on Truth Social, “The Rogue prosecutor, who is having a hard time with the Grand Jury, especially after the powerful testimony against him by Felon Cohen’s highly respected former lawyer, is attempting to build a case that has NEVER BEEN BROUGHT BEFORE AND ACTUALLY, CAN’T BE BROUGHT. If he spent this time, effort, and money on fighting VIOLENT CRIME, which is destroying NYC, our once beautiful and safe Manhattan, which has become an absolute HELLHOLE, would be a much better place to live!”


Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

  • The Rogue prosecutor, who is having a hard time with the Grand Jury, especially after the powerful testimony against him by Felon Cohen’s highly respected former lawyer, is attempting to build a case that has NEVER BEEN BROUGHT BEFORE AND ACTUALLY, CAN’T BE BROUGHT. If he spent this time, effort, and money on fighting VIOLENT CRIME, which is destroying NYC, our once beautiful and safe Manhattan, which has become an absolute HELLHOLE, would be a much better place to live!
  • DA Alvin Bragg HID nearly 600 pages of exculpatory evidence to the New York Grand Jury investigating President Trump.



Soros-Backed Bragg’s Bogus Case Falling Apart Due to “Major Dissention” in DA’s Office

Donald Trump Responds to New Criminal Charges in Special Counsel Investigation

  • ABC News on Tuesday reported that the Special Counsel’s prosecutors on Friday presented ‘prima facie’ evidence that Trump “knowingly and deliberately misled his own attorneys about his retention of classified materials after leaving office.”
  • “In her sealed filing, Howell ordered that Evan Corcoran, an attorney for Trump, should comply with a grand jury subpoena for testimony on six separate lines of inquiry over which he had previously asserted attorney-client privilege,” the report continued.
  • “Sources added that Howell also ordered Corcoran to hand over a number of records tied to what Howell described as Trump’s alleged ‘criminal scheme,’ echoing prosecutors,” the report noted. “Those records include handwritten notes, invoices, and transcriptions of personal audio recordings.”
  • As the ABC report noted, “reaching the so-called prima facie standard to pierce Corcoran’s privilege, Howell agreed prosecutors made a sufficient showing that on its face would appear to show Trump committed crimes. The judge made it clear that prosecutors would still need to meet a higher standard of evidence in order to seek charges against Trump, and more still to prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.”




-Judge Howell ruled  Evan Corcoran’s communications with Trump likely reveal evidence of a crime, why are they doing this, they want to get rid of  —  attorney-client privilege.

  Trump side must detail documents  

 Jack Smith team must reply

 “How do you introduce evidence legally?”


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 6e1ca8 No.1215845
Apr 27 2018 19:27:33 (EST) How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Who has everything?
Methods which info collected/ obtained?
Admissible in the court of law?Q

Kash Patel@Kash

  • NUMBER FREAKIN 1 on Billboard:
  • Buh Bye Miley, Taylor, Rihanna, and all the rest who spent Millions trying for the coveted Number 1 spot… Hello new Music Mogul @realDonaldTrump. We just took a flame thrower to the music industry, even better we spent Exactly zero dollars to do it . YUGE props to @edhenry @LJ n @truthsocial @DevinNunes: the new Kings of Music are here to stay n
    Money to j6 fams, not hollywood




Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 0cbc83 No.8537834
Mar 23 2020 18:31:36 (EST)
PREVENT [[D] party destruction] BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY.
These people are sick!
Nothing can stop what is coming.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9cdbf6 No.5853176
Mar 23 2019 18:52:13 (EST) Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9cdbf6 No.5853115
Mar 23 2019 18:50:04 (EST)





MEME misspelled but drives the point across.
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